Free Iran Summit 2023: Swiss MP Fehlmann Rielle endorses NCRI and true democracy

She highlighted the plight of Iran, living under a religious dictatorship for over four decades, and emphasized the importance of a united opposition to the oppressive regime.
She highlighted the plight of Iran, living under a religious dictatorship for over four decades, and emphasized the importance of a united opposition to the oppressive regime.
Mrs.Rielle highlighted the plight of Iran, living under a religious dictatorship for over four decades, and emphasized the importance of a united opposition to the oppressive regime.

At the Free Iran World Summit held on July 1, 2023, Laurence Fehlmann Rielle, a member of the Swiss Parliament and Representative of the Committee for Secularism and Democracy in Iran, shared a stirring call for human rights and true democracy in Iran. Backed by her Swiss delegation members Yvonne Ferry, Eric Vorue, and Christiane Perregot, Rielle addressed the crowd with a powerful commitment towards unity and secularism, additionally commending the visionary Ten-Point Plan of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

In her speech, Rielle made her stance clear. “As a member of the Swiss Parliament and representative of the Committee for Secularism and Democracy in Iran, I have come to express our firm support for the defense of human rights and the establishment of true democracy in Iran.”

Fehlmann Rielle brought the international community’s attention to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s 10-point plan, a manifesto which pushes for the abolition of Sharia, and strives to eradicate discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, and religion in Iran. “It calls for the autonomy of different population groups… such as the Kurds, who have been struggling for decades to have their existence recognized, not only in Iran but in all the countries where they reside,” she stated.



Echoing Switzerland’s stance on the death penalty, Rielle urged for the abolition of this practice, especially in Iran, which she identified as one of the countries with the highest number of death sentences and executions worldwide.

In her closing remarks, Fehlmann Rielle praised the courage and immense commitment of Iranian women, who are paying a heavy price in the fight against religious fascism. She lamented the tragic attack on Ashraf 3 by Albanian police officers, and called for an independent investigation into this incident, and for the responsible international institutions to ensure the rights and protection of Ashraf residents.

She concluded her speech with a salute to the courage and tenacity of the opponents of the Iranian regime, particularly the members and activists of the NCRI under Mrs. Rajavi’s leadership. “We assure them of our full solidarity,” she declared. Her powerful message reaffirms the ongoing global support for the establishment of a democratic, secular, and inclusive society in Iran.




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