Professor Raymond Tanter: A beacon of hope for a free Iran

For the Iranian people and their unified Resistance movement, Tanter symbolized unyielding support during the most daunting challenges.
For the Iranian people and their unified Resistance movement, Tanter symbolized unyielding support during the most daunting challenges.

For the Iranian people and their unified Resistance movement, Tanter symbolized unyielding support during the most daunting challenges.



Renowned for his esteemed role as a former National Security Council staff member under US President Ronald Reagan and an esteemed professor of political science at Georgetown University, Professor Raymond Tanter was much more than his official titles suggest.

Professor Tanter was a fervent champion of justice, liberty, and the Iranian people’s dream of a more luminous future. His life and endeavors underscored his unwavering commitment to a democratic and liberated Iran.

From the outset of his illustrious career, Tanter was driven by an acute sense of duty. Recognizing the criticality of amalgamating opposition groups into a potent coalition, he emphatically stated after rigorous academic investigation in 2005 that the Iranian regime perceived the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK) to be a 350 percent greater threat than all other dissenting groups combined. This assertion underscored the essentiality of solidarity amongst the opposition.

Tanter’s fervor wasn’t confined to academia. He fostered a profound relationship with the Iranian Resistance, most notably with the Iranian opposition President-elect Maryam Rajavi of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

In a moving 2005 encounter in Paris, Tanter, enveloped by profound empathy, met with Mrs. Rajavi and the mourning mothers of MEK martyrs. This heartfelt engagement left an indelible mark on him.



Tanter’s advocacy extended to the dire situation in Ashraf. He frequented Ashraf City in Iraq, with a notable visit in October 2008, right as the US was stepping back from its pledge to shield its inhabitants. During his visit, he addressed the Iraqi meetings occurring in Ashraf.

Upon the MEK members’ transfer to Ashraf 3, Tanter journeyed to Albania, commemorating the harrowing 2013 massacre of Ashraf residents by Iraqi troops, seemingly instigated by the Iranian regime. His staunch backing of the MEK and Ashraf-3’s denizens epitomized his dedication to justice.

Throughout his prominent career, Professor Tanter spearheaded myriad press events, shedding light on Iran’s ominous nuclear, missile programs, and its role in global terrorism. These endeavors brought the international community’s gaze onto the regime’s sinister undertakings. His influential voice reverberates through countless academic papers, conference transcripts, and media features accessible online. Alongside Iranian Resistance members, he strove to awaken the world to Tehran’s malign influence and threats.


Let Professor Tanter's memory invigorate our continued battle for a democratic Iran.
Let Professor Tanter’s memory invigorate our continued battle for a democratic Iran.


The departure of Professor Tanter creates a palpable gap in the collective pushing for a liberated Iran. However, his enduring legacy serves as a beacon, highlighting the essence of unity, tenacity, and steadfast commitment in the relentless quest for justice and freedom.




MEK Iran (follow us on Twitter and Facebook), Maryam Rajavi’s on her siteTwitter & Facebook, NCRI  (Twitter & Facebook), and People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran – MEK IRAN – YouTu