The Death or Suicide Choice for Iran

Iran NuclearNima Sharif
After Iran’s nuclear file came out of the hands of the International Atomic Energy agency, and was referred to the United Nations Security Council, buying time in bits and pieces, seems to be Iran’s main objective in any interaction with the international community as any little bit of time is spent well on the race to develop nuclear weapons.

As it pertains to regime’s partners, creating opportunities for the mullahs’ dictatorship to “play games” is inexcusable and unforgivable.  The advocates of the appeasement policy, to this regards, should be held fully responsible.

But on the other hand, when you see the dreadful situation that the Iranian regime both internally and in the international scene is caught into, you will come to realize how badly the Iranian people and resistance have squashed this regime in between only two choices of death or suicide as the mullahs themselves have admitted.

The choice of committing suicide refers to Iran’s choice to back down peacefully, stop enrichment of uranium and come to sit at the negotiating table.  This would be a favorable choice for everyone but the mullahs.  They know that as soon as they take this path, there are a series of concessions that would have to be made one after another.  First they would have to come clear with the IAEA, but it will not stop there.  They would also have to renounce terrorism; stop supporting groups in the Middle East such as Hezbollah, stop meddling in Iraq giving up their dream of the Islamic Empire.

Giving up all that would immediately mean that the mullahs would have to ease the oppression at home. Loosening the oppression stronghold would bring forward to the streets millions of Iranians demanding a change. This would ultimately mean the end of the mullahs’ regime as we know of.

The choice of “death” which seems to be the path regime has chosen is to go forward with what it is doing and that is race ahead full force to develop nuclear weapons, continue and expand the support for terrorism, run ahead with the infiltration into Iraq and enforce heavy crackdown on any voice of dissent internally. 

This strategy would leave the mullahs isolated internationally and considering that no one really wants another war like Iraq, this will align the world community inline with the Iranian people and their struggle for freedom and consequently lead to a democratic change in Iran.

Contrary to what the Iranian regime pretends to have achieved at the latest IAEA meeting in Vienna, the situation has got even worst for the regime as it is completely incapable to take a unified stand in response to new developments and international demands.

The regime on one hand announces that it is seriously considering the incentive package the West has offered or it sees some “positive” point in it.   And sometimes you hear that the response would not be positive and they accept no “preconditions” to talks.

On the other hand the international community that now speaks through the UN Security Council and its members to Tehran – in one voice – has set the precondition to any talks to be the “suspension of all enrichment activities” and insists on that.

While no specific date has been set for Tehran to come up with an answer, June 29 seems to be agreed upon by most sources.