PMOI Martyrs Remembered: A Testament to Iran’s Ongoing Struggle for Freedom

On April 19, 1972, the Shah regime of Iran executed senior members of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK), marking the beginning of a series of brutal crackdowns on political dissent.
On April 19, 1972, the Shah regime of Iran executed senior members of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK), marking the beginning of a series of brutal crackdowns on political dissent.

On April 19, 1972, the Shah regime of Iran executed senior members of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK), marking the beginning of a series of brutal crackdowns on political dissent.


The executed, including notable figures such as Nasser Sadegh and Mohammad Bazargani, were subjected to severe torture and sham trials orchestrated by the Shah’s dreaded intelligence agency, SAVAK. This day of bloodshed also saw the street killing of Asghar Montazer Haghighi, further intensifying the regime’s oppressive tactics.

Three years later, on the same date in 1975, the regime executed additional members of the resistance, including two senior PMOI members, Kazem Zulanvar and Mostafa Javan Khoshdel, along with seven members of the Organization of Iranian People’s Fedai Guerrillas. These actions were part of a desperate attempt by the Shah to quell the growing influence of these organizations among the educated and the youth.

The executions were misleadingly justified by claims of prison escape attempts, a narrative fabricated by SAVAK to cover up the extrajudicial killings. Despite the regime’s efforts to suppress opposition, the resistance movement only gained strength, culminating in the overthrow of the Shah on February 11, 1979. However, the struggle for a democratic Iran continues, evidenced by the recent activities of the PMOI Resistance Units.



On the 52nd anniversary of the 1972 executions, these units have boldly carried out public demonstrations across Iran, from Tehran to Lahijan, voicing their commitment to overthrow the current regime led by Ayatollah Khamenei.

These demonstrations are not merely commemorative but serve as a defiant response to the ongoing repression under the current Iranian regime. With slogans like “Down with the oppressor, be it the shah or the mullahs,” the resistance has resonated powerfully among the public, particularly in the wake of the 2022 uprising. This sentiment underscores a collective yearning for an end to tyranny and the establishment of a government that genuinely respects human rights and freedoms.

Amidst these protests, the regime has reportedly intensified its crackdown on PMOI supporters, imposing harsh conditions and limiting access to necessities like medical care and family visits in prisons. Despite these adversities, the PMOI Resistance Units continue their activism, honoring the legacy of those who sacrificed their lives for freedom.



The enduring spirit of the PMOI martyrs from 1972 and 1975 is a vivid reminder of the Iranian people’s relentless pursuit of freedom and democracy. As the PMOI Resistance Units champion this cause, they not only honor their fallen comrades but also ignite hope for a future where oppression, in any form, is a relic of the past. The resolve of the Iranian people remains unbroken, as they march forward, inspired by the martyrs’ ultimate sacrifice for liberty.




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