Professor Eric David: A Beacon of international law and human rights

The global legal community mourns the loss of Professor Eric David, a revered figure in the sphere of international law and a fervent defender of human rights.
The global legal community mourns the loss of Professor Eric David, a revered figure in the sphere of international law and a fervent defender of human rights.


Renowned for his vast contributions and advocacy, Professor David’s passing reverberates beyond the academic corridors to all those inspired and impacted by his work.

With a rich body of work behind him, Professor David’s writings on human rights and international law are celebrated cornerstones in legal academia.

A trusted voice from the Center for International Law at the “Université Libre de Bruxelles,” he notably shed light on the Iranian regime’s potential exploitation of the new Iraqi constitution in 2005. “The test of time only acted as a witness to his insights,” reinforcing his astuteness on matters of justice and human rights.

His actions echoed louder than his words, as exemplified in 2008 when he bravely visited Ashraf-1 in Iraq, showcasing solidarity with the MEK members under threat.

“This act of moral courage exemplified his dedication to the cause of justice,” attesting to his reputation as a tireless advocate for justice. Furthermore, his tenacity in highlighting the grim conditions at Camp Liberty and his efforts in international platforms like Geneva cemented his resolve to champion the cause of the oppressed.



Despite his towering professional stature, Professor David’s humility and simplicity distinguished him. “He lived a life marked by humility,” making him not just a celebrated academician but also a cherished colleague.

Against the backdrop of the Iranian Resistance’s battle against tyranny, Professor David was a resounding voice. He brought to the forefront the mullah regime’s brutalities, notably the 1988 massacre. “Professor David’s contributions to raising global awareness of this heinous event, where over 30,000 political prisoners were brutally killed, are profound,” signaling the international community’s duty to challenge impunity and seek justice.

His legacy remains etched in the annals of justice and law, notably through his instrumental role in the legal successes of the Iranian Resistance. “His pivotal role… stands as a testament to the triumph of justice and law over inhumanity and global intrigue.”



As we reflect on Professor David’s monumental contributions, we are reminded of his unwavering commitment to justice and human rights. His life stands as an enduring testament, urging the global community to “remember his example and strive to carry forward his legacy of compassion, integrity, and unyielding dedication to the cause of justice.”

With the hope that his legacy inspires future generations, we honor Professor Eric David and hope that “his soul find eternal peace.” May a fresh brigade of jurists and activists continue his exemplary journey in championing human rights and justice.



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