Canadian MP Judy Sgro Urges Swift Action Against Iranian Regime’s Plot on Opposition

In a recent letter addressed to prominent European leaders and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canadian Parliament member Mrs. Judy Sgro expressed profound concern over a disturbing scheme orchestrated by the Iranian regime against the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and its member refugees.
In a recent letter addressed to prominent European leaders and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canadian Parliament member Mrs. Judy Sgro expressed profound concern over a disturbing scheme orchestrated by the Iranian regime against the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and its member refugees.

This troubling development has serious implications for both European security and the protection of political refugees, calling for swift action and international accountability.

The Iranian regime, failing to suppress the PMOI/MEK within its own borders, took an alarming step by announcing indictments against 104 of its members. Most of these individuals were European residents or refugees residing in Albania. This maneuver is not only disconcerting but also raises fundamental questions about the Iranian regime’s intentions toward those who oppose it.

Perhaps even more disconcerting is the lack of a robust response following an attack on PMOI/MEK members that occurred on June 30. This incident further underscores the urgency of addressing the Iranian regime’s actions and holding them accountable for their actions.

Mrs. Sgro’s urgent call for condemnation, international accountability, and the protection of Iranian political refugees in Ashraf-3 highlights the need to uphold democratic values and human rights in Europe. It is imperative that European leaders and the international community take this matter seriously and work together to ensure the safety and security of those targeted by the Iranian regime.

As the situation continues to develop, it is crucial for world leaders to stand in solidarity with those who are at risk and to send a clear message to the Iranian regime that such actions will not be tolerated on the global stage. The protection of political refugees and the defense of democratic values must remain paramount in the face of these alarming developments.


The letter of the Canadian MP Judy Sgro follows:

udy-Sgro-letter-104-MEK-members (1)


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