MEK Resistance Units: Spearheading the pursuit of democracy in Iran

As Iran's history marks the anniversary of the 2022 uprising, the critical role of the MEK Resistance Units emerges as a beacon of hope in the fight for liberation and democracy.
 As Iran's history marks the anniversary of the 2022 uprising, the critical role of the MEK Resistance Units emerges as a beacon of hope in the fight for liberation and democracy.

These units, backed by the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK), have shown unyielding resilience, shaping the trajectory of six nationwide uprisings between December 2017 and 2022.

The Iranian populace, amidst brutal repression, has persistently championed calls for democracy and freedom. These voices culminated in resounding protests, with slogans like “Death to Khamenei” and “No Shah, No Sheikh (mullahs)” echoing throughout.



Central to this fervor were the MEK Resistance Units, which have served as the backbone of the Iranian opposition movement, relentlessly mobilizing citizens against the oppressive clerical regime.

The Resistance Units, as decentralized networks of activists, have surged against the existing regime, orchestrating daily protests, strikes, and anti-regime graffiti campaigns. They project a ray of hope, especially for Iranian youth, by demonstrating effective tactics of defiance. Images of Iranian Resistance leaders, Massoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi, projected across cities, exemplify the unit’s symbolic methods of resistance.



Despite the regime’s aggressive attempts to deter the MEK Resistance Units, they have expanded their influence, registering an incredible three thousand counter-suppression operations since September 2022.

The cost, however, remains high: as of April 2023, over 3,600 members have been imprisoned or gone missing post the 2022 uprising. Yet, their growing presence in the heart of Iran signifies an unparalleled achievement, demonstrating not only their robust resilience but their ability to challenge the oppressive machinery covertly.

The MEK Resistance Units have also found extensive support on the global stage. At the Free Iran 2023 World Summit in France, 10,000 Resistance Units showcased their unwavering commitment to topple the current regime. Voices from the Resistance Units were unanimous in their allegiance to Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan, signifying their shared vision for a secular democratic republic.



The regime’s apprehension of the MEK’s influence was evident during a roundtable by IRNA, the official news agency. Here, regime “experts” admitted that the allure of MEK among the youth stems from the regime’s opacity, highlighting the MEK’s intrinsic roots in Iranian society. Their contributions to protests, leading to the disconnection of clergy and state from the people, marks their enduring impact.

Moreover, the regime’s campaign to suppress the MEK’s momentum, including sentencing political prisoner Ali Moezzi to over six years in prison, and the MEK’s 57th-anniversary celebrations, stand testament to their unwavering determination.



In conclusion, the MEK Resistance Units, with their dedicated activism and the strategic backing of the PMOI, persist as a unifying force of change. By challenging the regime’s symbols and oppressive tactics, they have carved a transformative path towards a democratic Iran, inspiring countless citizens along the way.




MEK Iran (follow us on Twitter and Facebook), Maryam Rajavi’s on her siteTwitter & Facebook, NCRI  (Twitter & Facebook), and People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran – MEK IRAN – YouTu