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Iraq Continues Clampdown on Camp Ashraf Residents

In the aftermath of the 8 April massacre at Camp Ashraf by the Iraqi forces, and swarms of international condemnations, the residents of the camp continue to complain about the repressive measures by the Iraqi forces surrounding the camp.

On 19 May 2011, at a meeting with European Union ambassadors, the Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari said, “Iraqi officials have initiated a series of measures to guarantee and provide humanitarian services, medical treatment and food supplies in Ashraf.”

Despite these promises, the siege on the camp has not stopped and for that reason, the health condition at the camp is rapidly declining, according to the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

In a statement released on 1 June, the NCRI said that Iraqi forces are preventing sewage dumps, causing increased hygiene problems and endangering health of the residents. The sewage dump area of the camp is located in sections that were occupied by Iraqi forces on the 8 April attack which caused 35 deaths among the civilian residents. Iraqi forces are baring the residents from enter the section.

Camp Ashraf Massacre

On April 8 2011, early in the morning, the military forces of Iraqi government, about 2500 of them, stormed the campground of the main Iranian opposition movement, the Mujahedin Organization of Iran. They killed 34 people including 8 women and wounded many others.

The assualt later was named a “massacre”.  The attack was on unarmed civilians and they were shot directly by the Iraqi forces.  The following is a listing of the articles published in our website Stop Fundamentalism.

Iraqi Armored Vehicles Occupy Camp Ashraf North of Baghdad

… So far 30 BMP armored personnel carriers and Humvees have moved in and stationed inside the camp, ….

Iraqi Forces Mobilize to Clampdown on Camp Ashraf Home of PMOI (MEK)

The secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the Iranian Opposition released a statement today, warning about an imminent attack on Camp Ashraf by Nuri al-Maliki forces.


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VP European Union: Camp Ashraf displacement, a Call for Catastrophe

Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Vice President of the European UntionStop Fundamentalism, 26 May 2011 – Speaking at a conference held at the European Parliament in Brussels yesterday, Spanish conservative MEP Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Vice President of the European Parliament rejected any suggestion for forced displacement of Camp Ashraf residents to another location in Iraq as a call for another massacre, reported AFP.

He was referring to a raid by Iraqi forces on 8 April this year on the Iranian dissident Camp Ashraf north of Baghdad.  The raid cost the lives of 8 women and 26 men.   They were mostly shot directly by the Iraqi soldiers.

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Iran Sanctions American Officials for Human Rights Violations

Stop Fundamentalism, 26 May, 2011 – Speaker for Iran’s National Security Commission in the country’s Islamic Council which plays the role of a Parliament, proposed a plan Tuesday to sanction and indicted a number of American officials on the charges of violations of human rights and crimes against humanity, reported Mehr state-run news agency.

Catherine Ashton Calls for a Camp Ashraf Resolution

Baroness Catherin AshtonThe High Representative of Foreign Affairs of the European Union, Baroness Catherine Ashton, in a press briefing , yesterday 23 May, told reporters that one of the subjects discussed at the Foreign Affairs Council was “Camp Ashraf.”  

“Those of you who have seen the debates in the EP will also know how important the issue of Camp Ashraf is,” said Ashton to reporters.

Camp Ashraf Crisis at EU Council of Ministers Meeting

European Union High Representative Catherin AshtonNima Sharif
Europe’s Council of Foreign Ministers met in Brussels today to discuss, among other things, the deploring incidents at Camp Ashraf on 8 April this year that led to the tragic death of 34 unarmed residents of the camp and hundreds of injuries.

While the European Parliaments initiative provides for a long-term solution to the Crisis at Camp Ashraf, the European Union Council of Foreign Ministers should not overlook the immediate danger and the need for protection of the camp residents from further aggressions.  A permanent European observing team at the location will undoubtedly prevent more losses of life.

In fact as a major player in today’s world affairs, the EU should take the center stage in insuring that the international humanitarian laws are respected in Iraq.  This is especially important at the time when American forces are lowering their presence in that country thus the danger of such incidents would drastically multiply.  Europe no longer can afford to stand aside in face of international events and crisis.  Ashraf and its protection will be the chance for Europe to realize its role in the new global equation.

Saba, Born in Prison, Lived and Died for Freedom in Camp Ashraf

Saba Haftbaradaran
Saba Haftbaradaran

Saba HaftbaradaranNima Sharif
Under the rule of the Ayatollahs, Iran has seen one of the darkest periods of its history. But thanks to people like Saba Haftbaradaran, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The Daily Telegraph story of life and death of Saba Haftbaradaran, a resident of Camp Ashraf in Iraq who died during the April 8 massacre, was both tragic and shocking.  Shooting at unarmed civilians is pure savagery.  There is no justification for that no matter what the Iraqi government and military says or what the Iranian regime alleges the residents of the camp to be.  Nouri al-Maliki will have to answer for committing crimes against humanity.  He must be brought to justice in an international court.

Rajavi Calls on Ashton for Urgent Camp Ashraf Resolution

Maryam RajaviStop Fundamentalism, 23 May 2011 – President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran called on High Representative Catherine Ashton of the European Union for “urgent measures to protect residents of Ashraf and to prevent a new humanitarian catastrophe.”

In her letter, Mrs. Rajavi called for the support of the European Parliament’s initiative to resolve the crisis at Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

Iran Was Involved in New York Twin Tower Attack

Stop Fundamentalism, 20 May 2011 – Evidence have surfaced by the families of victims of September 11 showing Iran has played a key role in the New York’s 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center.

The Families called on the U.S. Government to declassify intelligence about Iran’s involvement.

“Today, nearly a decade after the attacks that took so many of our loved ones away, we believe the 9/11 families and the American people deserve to know the full truth about Iran’s complicity,” said attorney Thomas E. Mellon who represents families of the victims.